Thursday, July 28, 2016

His work recognized in Japan, too!

My friend in Japan let me know about this magazine featuring Sung and his FuguZ project. It is amazing that we can read what he is saying in Japanese because it's so rare or I just don't remember that happened in the past. Of course, his fans are everyone on the earth, but it's so nice to see him speaking to people in Japan like this!

The other friend also from Japan found another articles about Sung's project. Let me share the link to that article as well:

Sorry, if you don't read Japanese. But try Google Translate, if you want to get some idea.

Let me share another link to a different article about Sung's newer project below, before I forget...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Striving for a better future

Sung does not just do things, but there are always something profound involved, for that, too, I can't help admiring him. Because we know there is someone like him, we can keep hoping even though so many things seem to be going wrong these days everywhere. It is very sad to see things happening for that we cannot do much right away. But on the other side, there are people who never give up to see better things. Better for everyone.

All I can to may be just continuing expressing my obsession here, but I chose to do this. As you all know, once you made a choice, don't look back. I really like how Han said that.