Friday, June 13, 2008

We are Sung's online stalkers

Looks like I'm not the only one cyber stalking Sung! I'm really glad to know other girls as crazy about Sung as I am. Thanks to them, I have access to more info about him that I could've never reached without. Sharing! What a wonderful word.


Cris said...

stalker: here! o/

padillamorquecho said...

Yep stalker number 3 here... I LOVE SUNG KANG...

mrs.kang said...

yep...I´m a stalker!!! I even sleep with a picture of sung so when I wake up I can see his beautiful face..My wall is full of sung´s pictures!!! I love him.. this was like 3 weeks ago I had a dream...I was dreaming that I was kissing sung!!! He is the love of my life..I have a picture of him at the side of my bed all the mornings when I wake up I kiss the picture!!! He is so hot!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!

mrs.kang said...

Mari..thankyou very much for making this blog.. now I know more things about sung.. I have a question for you.. Does sung has a girlfriend or wife? Cause I wanna be his girlfriendor his wife..jaja

Mari said...

Hi, mrs.kang! Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad to know that another Sung's stalker found my blog and enjoy what I share here. :) Regarding Sung's wife or gf, I don't know the latest. I've read an article about that a little bit in the past, but I try not to bother his privacy here. (Sorry...) But you know, Sung is 36 years old now. And he is a straight man. We can't blame him, right?