Thursday, November 16, 2023

We are super impressed!

It is very rare that my husband send me a link to YouTube video like this and says "check this out!" We didn't expect to see Sung speaking this fluent Korean! We watched a clip where Sung was speaking in Korean about 10 years ago as he is also talking about in this video recently shot. Back then, we didn't find him speaking Korean comfortably while he seemed to have been trying his best. What happened to him? My husband and I agreed to the idea that Sung must have realized the advantage of being Korean and thought it's never too late to learn more about Korea including language. Maybe it's time for me to go back study Korean language as well. 

By the way, I've been receiving a lot of impersonation messages claiming that they are Sung Kang. I know that's not true because he wouldn't write to me like "Hey. Thank you for your support. I've noticed your post since ..." He and I already met many times in person. He knows who I am and won't create a separate Facebook page asking me to become his friend there. Nice try. I've already had more than 10 of friend request from fake "Sung Kang." 


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