Saturday, July 13, 2019

Are we afraid of getting older?

I found another instagram account featuring Sung's old photos and started following:

Better Luck Tomorrow is a film of 2002. Wow.. time flies. 17 years? No wonder I'm kind of having "mid-age crisis" now. There are so many things to do and think about. What can we do to fix problems around us? I was trying to bring me back a few years earlier by having regular exercise. It kind of worked. My body-age got younger by 5 years. I guess I'm on a right track. But I suppose I shouldn't overestimate myself by trying to complete with people in 20s' and 30s'. They are the majority of people around me at work. Sung may be feeling the same way because we are same age. Not sure what is the demography of people around him lately. Hope he keeps going in his best condition.