Saturday, August 29, 2020

Dog person vs. Cat person

Sung started showing his dog-person's side lately. While I have grown up with dogs with me when I was a child, I'm currently a little famous cat person. I feel like we have been so divided by some criteria like this. But we don't have to be either dog or cat person. If you like a dog, you are more likely to like a cat as well and vice versa. But we kind of like to be categorized sometimes. How many labels can we have? Besides being a cat person, I'm probably Sung person. lol. 

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It was a rough one. All good now...

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Opportunities for new normal days

While Sung has been very active on SNS and we are very happy to see him doing his stuffs -- cars, cars, cars -- it's also good to see the list of his works in IMDB growing! I can't wait to find out more about them.

I'm also grateful for these SNS time because I can easily follow whomever posting something about Sung with simple keyword in instagram. Below is probably fairly old one, but I haven't seen this and I really like Sung in this angle. Keep them coming!  :D