Tuesday, September 10, 2024


I didn't see much info about Fuel Fest 2024 Japan that was originally scheduled for August 31st and I knew about Typhoon hit. Then, I didn't have time to figure out what happened until now:


Sounds like Sung is not confirmed to be in Japan. I know he is a buy man and can't promise anything until about a month before the date. Or he may be totally booked for November/December? Either way, I wish I can find another opportunity to meet up Sung in person soon. Well, that does not mean I have a plan to go to Japan this year. But you never know.

Out of blue, my husband suddenly talked about Sung yesterday to tell me how he admires Sung and how average Japanese or Korean people wouldn't understand the importance of "Han" from FF series. People from Asia already had pretty good entertainment options and "stars". But that is not same as an Asian man getting featured in a big film like FF series. It's been a while since we first saw "Han" on the big screen. After that, he came back again and again though he also died again and again. But we are so happy that he is still alive! I still have T-shirt featuring "Han Lives". Indeed! I'm so glad I was so ahead of everyone predicting that Han revives. Well, I know I'm not the only one who knows how cool Sung is. But I just wanted to say once again that we appreciate Sung for all he does! And I am still eagerly waiting for my next chance to see him in person!